Where There is Light - English
This wisdom-filled volume of selections from the writings and lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, provides a wealth of practical guidance and inspiration for all who are seeking greater spiritual harmony and balance. Filled with even more encouraging and powerful insights than before, this expanded edition of Where There Is Light brings the illumination of spiritual insight to bear on the many challenges of everyday living – awakening a renewed awareness of the infinite potentials hidden within each one of us.
Topics include:
- Finding wisdom and strength to make life’s decisions
- The antidote for stress, worry, and fear
- Transforming our failures into success
- Security in an uncertain world
- Perfecting human relationships
- The power of meditation, affirmation, and prayer
- Understanding death
- Cultivating a personal relationship with God
This engaging anthology contains wisdom nuggets from Sri Yogananda’s teachings that inspire and illuminate. Here are some samples:
“Creative thinking is the best antidote for moods. Moods get their grip on your consciousness when you are in a negative or passive state of mind.”
“The mind may tell you that you cannot free yourself from a particular habit; but habits are nothing but repetitions of your own thoughts, and these you have the capacity to change.”
“Life is entertaining when we do not take it too seriously. A good laugh is an excellent remedy for human ills.”
- Cover TypePaperback
- LanguageEnglish