How to live books

Your library is never complete without these 70+ YSS books in English

Autobiography of A Yogi -Deluxe Edition
God Talks With Arjuna (Hardcover)
Paramahansa Yogananda Collected Talks Gift Pack
Wine of the Mystic
The Second Coming of Christ (Paperback)
Journey to Self-Realization (Hardcover)
The Divine Romance (Hardcover)
Man's Eternal Quest (Hardcover)
How To Live Series - Set: Eng.
Whispers from Eternity
Inner Peace
How to Find a Way to Victory
The Law of Success (Paperback)
The Skilled Profession of Child-Rearing
The Guru-Disciple Relationship
Where Are Our Departed Loved Ones?
Focusing the Power of Attention for Success
Prayers of a Master for His Disciples
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Developing Dynamic Will

Developing Dynamic Will

Developing Dynamic Will - by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda contains practical guidance for everyday living. 

It deals with subjects like
Overcoming Malignant Moods 
Developing Personality 
Eliminating the Static of Fear from the Mind Radio

The Art of Living

The Art of Living

Insightful essays full of practical guidance for everyday living on subjects like the divine art of making friends

Living Fearlessly

Living Fearlessly

Living Fearlessly by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda is a part of "How-to-Live" book series aimed at bringing out your Inner Soul Strength.

It teaches us how to break the shackles of fear and reveals how we can overcome our own limitations. 

Wisdom Gems - “You are a child of God. What have you to fear?” 

“There is always a way out of your trouble; and if you take the time to think clearly, to think how to get rid of the cause of your anxiety instead of just worrying about it, you become a master.”

“Do you ever think that you have been completely unsettled by circumstances — ruffled, shattered, whipped, lacking power? Banish such thoughts! You have power; you do not use it. You have all the power you need. There is nothing greater than the power of the mind.”


Where There is Light - English

This wisdom-filled volume of selections from the writings and lectures of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, provides a wealth of practical guidance and inspiration for all who are seeking greater spiritual harmony and balance. Filled with even more encouraging and powerful insights than before, this expanded edition of Where There Is Light brings the illumination of spiritual insight to bear on the many challenges of everyday living – awakening a renewed awareness of the infinite potentials hidden within each one of us.

Topics include:

  • Finding wisdom and strength to make life’s decisions
  • The antidote for stress, worry, and fear
  • Transforming our failures into success
  • Security in an uncertain world
  • Perfecting human relationships
  • The power of meditation, affirmation, and prayer
  • Understanding death
  • Cultivating a personal relationship with God


This engaging anthology contains wisdom nuggets from Sri Yogananda’s teachings that inspire and illuminate. Here are some samples:

“Creative thinking is the best antidote for moods. Moods get their grip on your consciousness when you are in a negative or passive state of mind.”

“The mind may tell you that you cannot free yourself from a particular habit; but habits are nothing but repetitions of your own thoughts, and these you have the capacity to change.”

“Life is entertaining when we do not take it too seriously. A good laugh is an excellent remedy for human ills.”


To Be Victorious In Life

In this powerful book Paramahansa Yogananda shows how we can realize life’s highest goals by bringing out the unlimited potential within us. He provides practical counsel for achieving success, outlines definite methods of creating lasting happiness, and tells how to overcome negativity and inertia by harnessing the dynamic power of our own will.

An ideal gift for students and employees, 

it's an inspiring book on how we can realize life’s highest goals by bringing out the unlimited potential within us

Habit - Your Master or Your Slave?

Habit - Your Master or Your Slave?

Put down your smartphone and resist the urge to scroll. Building self-control means being intentional with your time. #digitaldetox #mindfulness #selfdiscipline
Habit – Your Master or Slave? contains practical guidance for everyday living. 

It also deals with subjects like: 
 Self-Analysis: Key to the Mastery of Life 
Man’s Eternal Quest 
The Desire that Satisfies All Desires

Increasing The Power of Initiative

Increasing The Power of Initiative

Increasing The Power of Initiative is a book by Paramahansa Yogananda, the author of the spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi. In this book, he shares his wisdom and insights on how to develop the power of initiative, which is essential for achieving your goals and fulfilling your potential. 

He also covers topics such as happiness, habits, time management, and God-realization. This book is filled with inspiring anecdotes, parables, and prayers that will motivate you to take action and live fearlessly. 

An ideal gift for undergraduate students and employees. Buy Increasing The Power of Initiative from Ideazfirst Bookstore today and learn how to transform your life with the power of initiative.

Increasing the Power of Initiative contains practical guidance for everyday living. Contents also include: 
  • Be a Smile Millionaire 
  • How to be Happy at will 
  • Creating and Destroying Habits at Will 
  • Why Waste Time? 
  • God is the Joy You Seek


Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life's Decisions

An illuminating guidebook covering all aspects of developing intuition – the soul’s direct perception of truth.

Whether we are concerned with choices about our relationships, career, or spiritual growth, or are faced with a seemingly unsolvable problem, intuition is one of the most effective ways to overcome the challenge before us. In 
Intuition: Soul-Guidance for Life’s Decisions, Sri Daya Mata shares the invaluable wisdom she received from Paramahansa Yogananda on this most important facet of the spiritual life. 

Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Peace emanates from the soul and is the sacred inner environment in which true happiness unfolds….” — Paramahansa Yogananda

For all who feel that stress and nervousness are an unavoidable fact of modern life, Paramahansaji reminds us that within each of us is an inner core of peace that we can learn to access at will.

His sage and encouraging counsel shows us how to:

  • Overcome fear, worry, anger, nervousness, moodiness
  • Stay calmly present and actively focused, no matter what is going on around us
  • Experience the expansive timelessness and beauty of each moment.

Finding The Joy within You

Finding The Joy within You

In this collection of talks, informal counsel, and personal reminiscences, Sri Daya Mata shares the guidance and inspiration she received as a close disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, one of the preeminent spiritual figures of our time and author of the widely acclaimed Autobiography of a Yogi.

The Universality of Yoga

The Universality of Yoga

The Universality of Yoga contains practical guidance for everyday living. It also deals with subjects like: The Physical and Spiritual Rewards of Fasting Making Religion Scientific How to Outwit Temptation Controlling Your New year’s Destiny

Man's Greatest Adventure

Man's Greatest Adventure

Man’s Greatest Adventure contains practical guidance for everyday living. It also deals with subjects like: Understanding the Unreality of Matter The Dream Nature of the World Reincarnation:The Soul’s Journey to Perfection

The Science of Religion

The Science of Religion

This small book offers the clue to the universe. 

Its value is beyond estimation in words, since between these narrow covers is to be found the flower of the Vedas and Upanishads, the essence of Patanjali, foremost exponent of the Yoga philosophy and method, and the thought of Shankara, greatest mind that ever dwelt in the mortal body, placed for the first time within reach of the multitude. 

----Preface by Douglas Ainslie, English Statesman, poet, and philosopher, delegate to International Congress of Philosophy, Harvard University.  


Metaphysical Meditations

A collection of more than 300 uplifting meditations, prayers, and affirmations that will help you connect with your inner self and the divine power within you.

Seek God Now

Seek God Now

Contains practical guidance for everyday living with the purpose of life is to find God - by Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda

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